Sunday, August 30, 2015


I am happy to report we are transitioning our oldest son Ben from home school to college. Ben is a senior this year and will be dual enrolled in classes this fall at our local community college. We are extremely proud of him for passing the Compass Test.

I know some may say that the compass test is not that big of a deal. But in our house on our journey it is major.

This journey has not been an easy one. It was filled with good days and bad day. So thankful that God did not allow us to give up on our son and gave us much direction.

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Summer Update

Summer wood shop class with daddy.

We attended Makers Faire Detroit.

I was taught the art of Japanese Cooking.

The food was so amazing.

I had some wonderful lunch dates with friends.

Geocaching Fun

I prepared this meal for my oldest 17th birthday.

Some crafts that were made this summer.

I hosted a few craft classes in our home.

 They all did a fantastic job.

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