Thursday, November 5, 2015

Jigsaw Puzzles

Sometimes we forget about the simple things in life. Jigsaw puzzles are a great educational tool for all ages. Working on puzzles and solving them provides us with many helpful benefits. First of all it makes us alert, increases our concentration, expands our creativity. My goal is to use them more often in our classroom to help with cognitive development. 

Some of the various benefits of completing jigsaw puzzles:
  • enhances visual perception
  • hones coordination
  • improves memory
  • develops critical thinking
  • increases dopamine production in the brain
  • heightens creativity
  • stimulates the whole brain
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Sunday, November 1, 2015

BobbleHead 3d Printed Robot

Jaedan completed his first Blender software project a 3d printed bobble-head. It took him two months to complete the online class.  The class was a bit challenging at times but he did not give up. He missed a few major steps but was able to go back and make corrections which took extra time. In the end he is very pleased with the outcome and looks forward to future projects using the knowledge he gained from the class.

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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Animal Cell 3D Model

We have been studying cells and their organelles. We have looked at the shape and function of the different organelles and which cells contain each type of organelle.

We are focusing on the differences between plant and animal cells. To make the lesson more visual we made three dimensional cells.

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