Sunday, September 27, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

Discovering Cells

In this experiment, we took a thin slice of cork and looked at it under our microscope. Through the lens of our microscope, we “discovered” cells, just as Robert Hooke did over 300 years ago.

We also examined our cheek cells. Which gave the boys an opportunity to do a wet mount.

Next, we examined Human Cell Mucus, Mitosis - Onion Root and Mixed Bacteria Smear slides. This week they also had lab sheets to complete and a quiz.

Below is a slice of cork under the microscope. The first and last photo above are also cork.

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Keeping Busy In The Lab

Jaedan has been really busy in his makers space this week. For his electronic class he built a homemade capacitor to get a better understanding of how they work. He also has been working with Minecraft animation in his 3d software. Soon he plans to start building mods for his Minecraft Server.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Death to the Prokaryotes!

One major type of micro-organism that causes spoilage is bacteria, which are prokaryotes. The experiment we performed today dealt with the area of biology referred to as food safety. Today we canned applesauce. The process of sterilizing food in containers using heat. Using a similar method developed by Nicolas Appert.

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