Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Teaching An Older Child To Add Coins

Today Malik and I worked on counting coins. He really struggles in this area but I feel that repetition will help him. I found the counting to a hundred printable on Pinterest. It really helps him visualize the concepts. I also found a paid app that is very useful but there are many nice free ones available.

You can find the counting to a hundred printable here.
You can find the app used in the video here.


  1. I purchased the allowance game from lakeshore. It helped my students understand the basic concept of buying, saving and earning. It is a very fun game.

    1. Thank you! I will google it and see if I can get it soon.

  2. What a neat concept! I'll be printing this worksheet in preparation for the up coming school year. Come to think if it I purchased a workbook on "checking booking" will work prefect together, thanks!

  3. I will be printning this soon. I hope it also helps my son who struggles in this area.
